Press Release

Introducting Podnods

We recently launched a new podcast discovery tool, Podnods, at Our site helps listeners find great audio shows, customized to their specific interests. 

There are nearly 1.5 million podcasts on just about every topic imaginable, made by countless passionate creators from around the world. Most of these podcasts do not yet have the audience they deserve, and one reason is that listeners haven’t discovered them yet. We are a NYC-based company building powerful AI algorithms that will help listeners discover new shows via personalized feeds created on our site. Our goals are to distribute listener attention beyond the top 1% of podcasters, to bring more listeners to podcasts, and to get existing listeners excited about enjoying more content. At the same time, we’d love to see podcasting stay as open and accessible as possible to listeners and creators alike, while making sure creators get the support they deserve.

We’re a small team, but we’re leveraging our backgrounds in machine learning and scalable tech. We already have some new features in the works, but we’re still looking to collect feedback and suggestions from early users in this quick survey:

Finally, along the way of figuring out how to recommend podcasts to our users, we’re learning a lot. We have billions of data points across over a million podcasts collected from feeds, charts, podcasters’ websites, listener reactions, and our own proprietary, AI-based data augmentation (but note: we are passionate about privacy, and will not sell the personal data of our users). We’re gaining a deep contextual understanding of the universe of podcasts, and we are thinking about ways to apply that understanding to make podcasting better for creators and listeners. We are open to special requests or consulting proposals for podcast data analyses; contact us at

The above is a press release which is linked from the Podbrief weekly email newsletter about podcasting in New York. Press Releases can be submitted at
